Project IGI 1 Game PC Game Download Full Requirements.

2: Covert Strike – v.1.3 + 5 trainer file from download free URL, and extract on the directory where you installed the game. After Install WinZip on pc get the I.G.I. First download the Igi 2 apk file then extract it with like zip file. Keyboard and mouse default keys can be changed in. This trainer may not necessarily work with your copy of the game. The Project I.G.I 2: Covert Strike allow to change control configuration from the game menu options.

Gameplay-facilitating trainer for Project I.G.I. Igi 1 trainer is the software which freezes the health of the player and it also freezes amino and never ends bullets, the result of freezing health and amino, there is no effect on the player when an enemy shoots the player and you can shoot an unlimited bullet without any tension. It is an impressive shooting game with unlimited life and ammo. While trainers can provide an easy way for players to progress through the game and unlock its content, they can also take away from the overall experience. IGI 1 Trainer Unlimited Ammo Unlimited Health Free Download PC game setup in single direct link for Windows. In IGI 2: Covert Strike, trainers can be used to enable various cheats, including unlimited health, ammo, and grenades, or unlocking all the weapons in the game.